Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-33-20 - Stay at Home (COVID-19)
Here at The Parkman Law Firm we are constantly monitoring the laws and mandates being released in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to keep our clients informed of the changes that are affecting them on a daily basis. One of the most significant and far reaching mandates was released last night by the Governor’s Executive Order N-33-20. We have reviewed and analyzed this latest mandate and would like to assist our clients decipher what actions they may need to immediately take.
Governor Newsom has mandated that all California residents are to stay home to prevent the spread of the virus, which California reports is doubling every few days. There are 16 critical infrastructure groups of businesses and employees that do not have to stay home. These critical infrastructure businesses were determined by the Department of Homeland Security to provide crucial and vital services to the United States and ceasing operations of these groups would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.
If your business is one within these 16 critical infrastructure sectors, then you and some of your employees will still be able to report for work and would not have to stay home. The sectors which should continue to report to work and provide services are:
Chemical Sector
Commercial Facilities Sector
Communications Sector
Critical Manufacturing Sector
Dams Sector
Defense Industrial Base Sector
Emergency Services Sector
Energy Sector
Financial Services Sector
Food and Agriculture Sector
Government Facilities Sector
Healthcare and Public Health Sector
Identifying Critical Infrastructure During COVID-19
Information Technology Sector
Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
Sector-Specific Agencies
Transportation Systems Sector
Water and Wastewater Systems Sector
If your business is not in one of these sectors, then you must obey the Executive Order and stay home. This does not mean that you may not utilize work from home techniques to continue doing business and meet obligations to your customers and clients. Our government officials are aware and deliberately are slowing down the economy and ability to do business but for the greater purpose of saving lives.
You may have also heard that stimulus legislation is also being proposed and passed. Most recently, Congress has passed an expansion of sick leave laws to allow employees to take paid sick days in order to obey the “stay home” mandates.
Please do not hesitate to contact our firm to discuss specifics of all these new laws and orders and how they affect your business or job. We are available the same hours of operations as always and by the same means as you have always gotten in touch with us by phone, email, and appointment (virtual). Stay safe and healthy so that we can all get through the threat and get back to our jobs and businesses.
The Parkman Law Firm