Operations at The Parkman Law Firm (COVID-19)
We are reaching out to our valued clients during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic to assure you that The Parkman Law Firm safely remains open with our staff transitioned to working in remote locations to conform to government mandates and maintain social distancing. The Firm’s top priority is ensuring the health and safety of our staff and clients, and we are committed to taking the appropriate steps to mitigate the spread of the virus. We will be working remotely until at least April 3, 2020, pending updates received from government officials. Our staff working remotely is preemptive and no one has reported any exposure or infection from the virus.
The Firm’s operations will continue as they normally do, even as we work remotely. We are a paperless firm which has made this transition relatively seamless. We will continue to bring the highest level of service to our clients during this challenging time. You will still be able to contact The Parkman Law Firm as you normally do by phone and email during our regular business hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To our clients with open litigation cases filed in the California Superior Court, the court has announced a suspension of all non-emergency services at least until April 3, 2020. Only very essential services such as emergency restraining orders will be available. This essentially will halt all activities on your court case. All hearings and dates previously set in your open case have been postponed and no new dates have yet been set. Our firm’s staff will continue to monitor this situation and will provide you statuses on your case as time progresses.
To our business owner, employer, and employee clients we realize there are many questions surrounding the economic slowdown, business closures, human resources, and wages. We have been monitoring the new legislation being proposed and are available to answer your questions on the state of the current law and upcoming new laws regarding this issue. If you have urgent and important questions on these matters, we are ready and available to assist you.
We urge our clients to remain positive, calm, and healthy while we navigate this global crisis. Together, we will emerge stronger and wiser.
Sharmila R. Parkman, Esq.